Importing and Managing Very-Short-Answer questions in LAMS
We believe that VSA questions have an important space in assessment as they are solid, effective and valid when ascertaining student’s competence.
Now Very-Short-Answer questions can be imported directly into LAMS using Microsoft Word!
To make things easier for lecturers and assessment designers, all formatting can be done in Word. Once the questions are ready, just following a set of simple tags, these questions can be imported directly into LAMS Mighty Question Bank.
When a VSA question is render to students, a text box rendered prompting the student to provide a short text answer.
For further information on why VSAs are important for assessment, see this article that provides research based conclusion on their benefit.
Managing VSAs in LAMS
In this short video, we show how to manage the VSAs life-cycle within LAMS, from the creation of a VSAs, how student answer them and finally how the lecturer can mark those answers that are not pre-marked already